1. 喝全脂牛奶可以減肥
2. 喝全脂牛奶可以減少肥胖的風險
3. 喝全脂牛奶的人比較不容易胖
其實全脂牛奶可以減低肥胖機會的研究,並不是今年才有報導或研究。在哈佛大學公衛學院的Walter Willett教授於前年就有提出這樣的想法( 連結),在該篇訪談中,Willett教授引述兩篇研究,指出喝全脂牛奶與肥胖風險的減少有關,Willett教授也說明可能與全脂牛奶乳脂肪讓人產生飽足感有關,除此之外,也提到或許有特定的脂肪酸會參與調控體重有關。
One likely explanation is that the full-fat version provides more satiety, but it is also possible that some of the fatty acids in milk products have an additional effect on weight regulation.(簡短翻譯: 全脂的可以提供飽足感,或許乳製品的脂肪酸可以參與一些體重調控的機制)
另外我也找到一篇發表在Nutrition Research的研究也指出喝全脂牛奶可以降低肥胖的機率,但學者很保守的下了這樣的結論:
In summary, higher total dairy food intake (comprising milk, cheese, and yogurt) was associated with lower prevalences of global and abdominal obesity, and this relationship appears to be driven by whole-fat dairy foods. This study supports the inclusion of recommended intakes of dairy foods, including whole-fat products, as an important part of the diet that could have possible anti-obesity effects.(簡短翻譯: 較高的乳製品攝取與較低的肥胖率有關,而且全脂乳製品可以加強這樣的關聯性)