- 青背魚類:青背魚指背部呈現青綠色的魚種,像是鯖魚、鮪魚、竹筴魚、鮭魚、秋刀魚都富富含能順暢血液循環的EPA。
- 亞麻仔油或紫蘇仔油:這兩種油類含有能在體內變成EPA的ω−3脂肪酸。建議可在每一餐中加一小匙亞麻仔油或紫蘇仔油在沙拉與湯品中。
- 洋蔥、大蔥與葉菜:富含食物纖維與大蒜素和礦物質、維生素C,攝取這些營養,能抑制血小板凝結為血栓,降低血管阻塞的風險。
- 咖啡:咖啡含有能夠改變血管狀態的綠原酸,是近年來深受矚目的養生新寵。
- 起司、乳酪:含有能夠降血壓的「乳三胜肽(Lactotripeptides,LTP)」,乳三胜肱能增加血液中的一氧化氮,幫助血管變年輕。
- https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/science/2011/09/110905_fate_birth
- https://academic.oup.com/jamia/article/22/5/1042/930268
(The relationship between cardiovascular disease and birth month could be mediated through a developmental Vitamin D-related pathway. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are lower and parathyroid hormone levels are higher during the winter when no supplementation is given.59 Even with maternal supplementation, seasonally dependent Vitamin D deficiency has been observed among breastfed infants60 and newborns.61 This is important because levels of parathyroid hormone and Vitamin D are associated with cardiovascular disease.62,63 Specifically, elevated parathyroid hormone is correlated with increased heart failure in elderly males.64 Studies focusing on adolescents found that Vitamin D deficiency resulted in an increased likelihood of hypertension (a SeaWAS discovered association)65,66 and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol,66 both risk factors for cardiovascular disease) - https://www.edh.tw/article/15931
- https://www.edh.tw/media_article/413
- https://www.edh.tw/article/23007/2