降30%肺癌風險!144萬人研究:膳食纖維+優格捍衛肺部健康- 第2頁

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其實關於食物與肺癌之間的關聯性研究,《JAMA Oncology》上的調查研究並非頭一遭,根據美國內科醫師Lynne Eldridge 所著文章,以下食物可能有助於對抗已存在的癌細胞:

  • 梨子:觀察實驗室培養的非小細胞肺癌細胞的研究指出,梨子、蘋果裡的根皮素能促使癌細胞凋亡。

  • 綠茶:藉由觀察實驗室培養的人類肺癌細胞,以及動物實驗研究,發現綠茶中的成分EGCG能增強化療藥物的效果。

  • 薑:動物研究顯示,6-薑酚(6-shogaol)能預防肺癌,也能抑制癌細胞的擴散。

  • 莓果:覆盆莓、蔓越莓、藍莓等莓果含有一種名為「飛燕草素」(delphinidin)的花青素,發現能改善植入人類肺癌細胞的小鼠的病況。研究人員認為,攝取飛燕草素可能有助於避免腫瘤長出新生血管,引導癌細胞自我凋亡。

  • 紅蘿蔔:紅蘿蔔含有的綠原酸,可能會擾亂肺癌細胞的血管新生,可抑制腫瘤擴大。


  1. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326798.php
  2. the team carried out a pooled analysis that included more than 1.44 million people from the United States, Europe, and Asia.The researchers collated information about each participant's diet. These data allowed them to calculate the amount of yogurt and fiber the participants consumed. They also took into account other factors that play a role in lung cancer, including age, ethnicity, education level, obesity, and smoking status.
  3. People who consumed the most fiber had a 17% lower risk of developing lung cancer than those who ate the least fiber.Similarly, people who consumed the most yogurt had a 19% lower risk of developing lung cancer than those who consumed no yogurt. Those who consumed the greatest quantities of fiber and yogurt had a 33% lower lung cancer risk than who consumed the least fiber and never ate yogurt.
  4. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326798.php
  5. https://www.edh.tw/article/17387


